Every day is a little better

Last Saturday we went to the vet (again) for a checkup. My blood test came back “Excellent!” We are all so happy. I feel better and Mommy has proof.

The other good news is that I’m walking much better. I have built up the core strength I need for the TriPawd Shuffle. I had a hard time, because the start of my “physical therapy” was delayed over a week from my surgery because I really crashed and burned. Mommy was afraid I wouldn’t make it, but we have lots of friends and everyone sent lots of love my way, I got my will to live back, and I pulled through.

Here’s a video of me doing the TriPawd shuffle, and not listening to Mommy, as usual.

I walked all the way around the block today and yesterday!

I’m really doing well, and I owe a lot of my rehab to my friend, Shawn, because he takes care of me when Mommy’s at work. Yesterday Mommy went paddling for the first time since I got sick. Shawn doggy-sat, as usual. When he took me for my walk, I just kept wanting to go further, so we went all the way around the block. Before I got sick, Mommy and I would walk around that block every day, so I could sniff and mark my territory. I’m so glad to be walking around the block again (with rest stops, of course). This morning Mommy came, too, so now it’s twice I’ve been around the block.

On a bad note, everyone has been treating me like I’m the Queen, so I think I’m the Queen, and now that I’m feeling better, I’m not as nice as I should be. I snapped at Shawn when he went to grab my binky this morning, and now I’m on restriction. Mommy is making me stay in her apartment while she does chores. I really prefer Shawn’s apartment, and I really love Shawn like hes’ my boyfriend, so I vow to be a nicer doggy from now on. We are back to having rules about hugging, touching paws and binkies, because, after all, I am a dog, a protective breed, and I am not the Queen.